Our Bishop Diocesan is the Rt. Rev. Jeffrey W. Mello, seen here during his Consecration and Ordination in October 2022. Our Bishop Suffragan is the Rt. Rev. Laura Ahrens.

Our priest in charge (below) is the Rev. James G. Bradley.

The Rev. James G (Jim) Bradley is a native of West Virginia who has been an Episcopal priest since 1975. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School and Virginia Theological Seminary, he has served as Rector of St. Paul’s Church in New Haven and Rector of St. John’s in Waterbury. Before coming to Trinity he was serving as a supply priest for the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut. He is married and lives in Cheshire. He may be reached at (203) 272-2005 and
On Sundays when Fr. Jim cannot be at Trinity, we are blessed to have several experienced lay ministers who lead the congregation in services of Morning Prayer.
Our service schedule is:
Sundays- Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Rite I will be used in Advent and Lent
The vestry normally meets after services on the second Sunday of each month.
Trinity Parish is a true community of believers, or as Peter put it in his 1st Epistle, a royal priesthood. As a result, the community has chosen to take up the many ministries that a parish needs. We are a small, but vibrant commmunity, and we know that this energy comes from our willingness to do outreach to those in need, both near and far.