Ongoing outreach activities below may also be accessed at “Community” at this website.
- Collection of non-perishable food each month for F.I.S.H. (Friends in Service Here) in Torrington. The food is blessed at Trinity on the fourth Sunday of the month, and then delivered to the F.I.S.H. food bank by parishioners. There is a homeless shelter in the same building so we often collect warm clothes for distribution at the shelter.
- Two to six parishioners volunteer at the Torrington Community Kitchen in the Trinity Episcopal Church Torrington, one Sunday every other month. We share this responsibility with St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Cornwall, and the Milton Congregational Church as part of our ecumenical outreach.
— We partner with the Litchfield Community Services to provide Thanksgiving and Christmas food for area families.
— We join with area churches and the Social Service office in the “New Beginnings” program which is designed to help identified parents provide new school clothes and shoes for their children.
Trinity Church sees community outreach as a response to the call of Christ “when you do it to the least of these my brethren, you do it to me.” An active outreach committee guides the parish in responding to the needs of those near and far.